This week we are rolling out some new updates to our mail server which will help reduce the amount of spam being received by our customers. We’ve recently noticed an increase in spam over the last few months and decided to take action. This update will include a new settings panel in cPanel called “MailScanner Configuration”; here you can fine-tune how you want to handle a message when it is detected as possible spam. We went ahead and configured this for you and you should already be seeing a reduction in the amount of spam received.
You may start to see some emails come in that start with {spam?} or {Disarmed} but this is just the new spam blocking system working. You can delete these emails if they are spam or treat them as you would a normal message. If you have any specific questions or would like us to make some changes to your account, please contact us or open a support ticket.
We are always striving to improve the quality of service at TrevNet Media – and no one hates spam email as much as we do!